I Need It To Be Done | White Rabbit (Episode 5)I Need It To Be Done | White Rabbit (Episode 5)

In which the brothers argue over Jack’s first episode The brothers are divided over the episode. This is the first Jack-centric episode in which we discover why he’s in Australia

Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do | Walkabout (Episode 4)Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do | Walkabout (Episode 4)

In which the brothers discuss the first REAL episode The first Locke-centric episode wherein we’re led to believe that we’ll come to understand how the island’s newest hunter became said

You Missed | Tabula Rasa (Episode 3)You Missed | Tabula Rasa (Episode 3)

In which the brothers discuss one of the show’s greatest failings: Kate In the first Kate-centric episode, the brothers discuss her appearance in Australia (i.e. how did she get on

Spilled Out Like Angel Hair Pasta | The Pilot (Episodes 1 & 2)Spilled Out Like Angel Hair Pasta | The Pilot (Episodes 1 & 2)

In which the brothers discuss the most expensive (and dead) pilot of all time Originally, the pilot episode was crafted with an “end” in mind to potentially release it as

Losing Lost | Episode 1Losing Lost | Episode 1

In which the brothers discuss the purpose of the podcast Welcome to Losing Lost, a podcast where two brothers (Pierce Nahigyan & Derek Hobson) discuss a show that effectively brought