
Losing Lost is a podcast hosted by two brothers, Pierce Nahigyan and Derek Hobson. The brothers are apologetic fans of the television show LOST, which ran from 2004 to 2010; surviving six seasons and one writers’ strike, for a whopping 121, hour-long episodes — a fact that’s as impressive as it is ludicrous.

In each episode of Losing Lost, Pierce and Derek discuss an episode of LOST, sharing their thoughts on the characters, plot, and overall themes.

Pierce and Derek are both passionate about LOST and their podcast is full of laughs, modern criticisms, and discussions regarding how the episodes fold into the the series given the ending. A show that, on its best days, inspired arm-chair detectives from meticulous narratives; and, on its worst days, reminded us all why “we’ll fix it in post” is not a valid answer to yesterday’s hangover.

If you’re a fan of LOST, then you need to listen to Losing Lost. It’s the perfect way to celebrate the show and connect with other fans.

Here are some of the things that Pierce and Derek discuss on Losing Lost:

  • The characters: Pierce and Derek discuss their favorite characters, their least favorite arcs, and those that concluded and should have cameo’d, but syndication got in the way.
  • The plot: Pierce and Derek discuss the show’s take on purgatory, the dreaming, the format/structure and how it all works (or fails) together.
  • The themes: LOST is an existential show that deals with complex themes of bad fathers, lost lovers, faith vs science, and destiny. They offer fan theories, their own thoughts, and pop culture references.

Losing Lost is a great podcast for:

  • Fans of LOST who want to discuss the show with other fans
  • People who are interested in learning more about LOST
  • People who are looking for a funny and insightful podcast

If you’re interested in listening to Losing Lost, you can find it on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.